There are detailed instructions for learning the complex but powerful Twin Hearts
Meditation from Pranic Healing. To sign up for the seven-step method culminating in the
understanding and ability to apply the following prayers.
Hello Homoluminous!
Welcome to the chance to put it all together and experience the power of the Pranic Healing Meditation.
Here are all the prayers in transcript form. You may click the link to download an audio version of the entire meditation.
Regular meditation on Twin Hearts will give you better physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health when practiced by many people. It can also miraculously heal the entire Earth, thereby making the Earth, more harmonious and peaceful.
Beginning Prayer:
“To the Supreme God, to my spiritual teacher, to all the spiritual teachers, holy masters, all the saints, holy angels, spiritual helpers, and all the great ones we humbly invoke for divine guidance, divine love, for illumination, for divine oneness, divine bliss, divine help, and divine protection. We thank you, in full faith.”
The Prayer: I Am
“ I am, that I am. I am not the body, I am not the emotions. I am not the thoughts. I am not the mind. The mind is only a subtle instrument of the soul. I am the soul. I am a spiritual being with divine intelligence, love, and power. I am one with a higher soul. I am that I am I am one with the Divine Spark. I am a child of God. I am connected with God. I am one with God, I am one with all.”
The Prayer: St Francis of Assisi Prayer:
“Make me an instrument of your peace where there is hatred, let me sow love where there is injury, pardon, where there is despair, hope, doubt, faith, where there is darkness, light, sadness, joy and from the center of your heart of God, let the entire earth be blessed with loving-kindness. Let the entire earth be blessed with great joy and happiness. From the center of the heart of God, let the entire earth be blessed with understanding, harmony, and divine peace, let the entire earth be blessed with goodwill and with the will to do good from the center of the god sorry, from the center of the heart of God. Let the entire Earth, everyone, and every being be blessed with divine love and kindness. Let the entire Earth, every person, and every being be blessed with divine sweetness, divine joy, warmth, caring, and tenderness from the center of the heart of God. Let the entire Earth, every person, and every being, be blessed with the inner healing inner beauty, divine bliss, and divineness.”
Prayer To Release Excess Energy to Others:
“Let the entire earth be blessed with divine light, divine love, and divine power Let the whole earth be blessed with peace, order, spirituality, abundance, and prosperity. Let every person, every being, be blessed with happiness, good health, spirituality, and abundance. Blessings be to all.
Ending Prayer:
“Let the entire earth be blessed with divine light, divine love, and power. Let the whole earth be blessed with peace, order, spirituality, abundance, and prosperity. Let every person, every being be blessed with happiness, good health, spirituality, and abundance. Blessings be to all.”