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Kintsugi is a way to heal your history, as is Graced.

Find your poetic mend.

Kintsugi reminds us that there is beauty in broken things being repaired, where each mark tells a poignant story.

The traditional Japanese art of repairing broken pottery using gold. 


As a philosophy, it treats breakage and repair as an essential part of the object's history. In the same way, our stories of pain and trauma created fragile cracks and scars.

The beliefs and behaviors you were programmed with as a child weren't your choice, but addressing and changing them as an adult is entirely up to you. It was others who installed your beliefs, habits, and fears. These were given to you by parents, teachers, and society, but now you're the administrator of your own mind.


Those old programs might be running in the background, influencing your thoughts and actions.

They might be limiting your potential, keeping you stuck in patterns that no longer serve you. 

They might be blocking you from really feeling connected and in control.


It's not your fault these programs exist, but it is your responsibility to update them, debug the system, and install new, healthier software.    You have the power to rewrite your mental code.


You can't change your past, but you can change how it affects your present and future. The choice to heal, to grow, to reprogram -that's in your hands and probably why you are here. 


Body/Emotion/Belief Code, Graced, and Kintsugi believe that repairing broken elements that in the past defined our history, heals, and ultimately puts us back in power to create lasting strength and beauty to become whole.


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